Dr John Whittle
Dr John Whittle
- Research Fellow, Department of Surgery and Interventional science, University College London.
- Research Fellow, Centre for Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, University College London.
- Research Fellow, Bloomsbury Institute of Intensive Care Medicine, Division of Medicine, University College London
John is Aviation lead for CASE and lectures in aviation physiology on the UCL Extreme Environment Physiology undergraduate BSC module. He is a registrar in anaesthesia and critical care in London and has undertaken research in aerospace physiology at King’s College London and flown in a European Space Agency parabolic flight campaign.
Publications / Media
42nd Congress of the International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001: “Performance of passenger masks supplied with molecular sieve oxygen generator product gas”. Ernsting J, Best M, Phull B, Whittle J
75th Aerospace Medical Association annual Scientific meeting. “Frontiers in Aerospace Medicine”. Anchorage, Alaska 2003: “Assessment of an arterialised earlobe blood sampler”. Russomano T, dos Santos M, Castro J, Whittle J, Ernsting J
A device for sampling arterialized blood in austere environments. Russomano T, Evetts S, Castro J, dos Santos M, Gavillon J, Azevedo D, Whittle J, Coats E, Ernsting J. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 2006; 77(4): 453-455
Assessment of an Earlobe Arterialized Blood Collector in Microgravity. Russomano T, Whittle J, Evetts G, Coats E, Vian, M, Cardoso R. J. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 2009; 80(11): 989-990
Individualised oxygen delivery targeted haemodynamic therapy in high-risk surgical patients: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, controlled, mechanistic trial.
Ackland GL, Iqbal S, Paredes LG, Toner A, Lyness C, Jenkins N, Bodger P, Karmali S, Whittle J, Reyes A, Singer M, Hamilton M, Cecconi M, Pearse RM, Mallett SV, Omar RZ; for the POM-O (PostOperative Morbidity-Oxygen delivery) study group.
Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Dec 15.